Executives and stewards

This is your 2015-2016 executive:

cupe-touchiconStephen Brown



cupe-touchiconFilip Pietruszewski
Vice President



cupe-touchiconLeanne Ashworth
Secretary Treasurer




cupe-touchiconKyle McLoughlin
Recording Secretary




CUPE 4512 is preparing to renegotiate its Collective Agreement in December of 2015. We will be organizing a Bargaining Committee to revise the CA. If you wish to be a part of this committee, contact one of the executives for information.

What we do

CUPE 4512 represents workers employed by student groups at the university of Concordia. Currently, we represent workers with the following employers:

  • Concordia Student Union (CSU)
  • Graduate Student Union (GSA)

If you are employed by a student group at Concordia, but not listed above, please contact us if you would like union representation.